Care Share - Connected Care Exchange

Seamlessly Improve Patient Care

Our CareShare app puts complete patient data at your fingertips so you can offer the best care possible.

CareShare is for Providers

CareShare app is a Smart on FHIR app enabling secure, dynamic data exchange to ensure that providers always have the most up-to- date information at the point of care. CareShare improves transitions of care through timely access to patient data. Other benefits include:

  • Support of EMR launch to maximize workflow efficiency
  • Better communication between organizations

Access Patient Data Seamlessly and Securely Through Our New CareShare App

Stop working with limited, fragmented, or missing clinical data. The CCE, in partnership with Patient Centric Solutions, has launched CareShare, an FHIR-compliant app that puts a complete, patient-centered record at the point of care.

What Does CareShare Do?

CareShare makes the following benefits possible for patients and providers:

Eliminate Gaps in Care

CareShare reduces the physician burden to share or access crucial health data and puts critical information in the hands of providers. That makes it easier for providers to offer informed, accurate, and effective healthcare that improves outcomes for their patients.

Improve Care Collaboration

By putting all patient health data in one central location, CareShare makes it easy for organizations across the state, or the country, to access a complete patient record. By easing communication between organizations and providers, CareShare improves collaboration and the patient experience. Providers can also easily share updated patient data with hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies and other physicians.

Improve Transitions of Care

By providing timely access to patient data, CareShare reduces discrepancies at transitions of care that can lead to adverse events. Accurate patient data eliminates redundancies, missing information, repeat paperwork, and more.

Reduce Costs

CareShare directly impacts provider revenue by increasing the risk of readmission penalties, malpractice suits, duplicate tests and treatments, and discrepancies when changing healthcare providers. Plus, this app reduces provider costs associated with faulty hand-offs, while improving patient satisfaction and care.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Connected Care Exchange has the potential to improve healthcare quality while lowering costs. Its benefits include
better care coordination, improved efficiency, fewer medical errors and fewer duplicate procedures.
The need for this technology is clear and the benefits are significant.

  • How do I participate in the Connected
    Care Exchange?

    You automatically become a member of CCE HIE when you visit a participating doctor or hospital.

  • How much does the Connected Care
    Exchange cost?

    Health information exchange (HIE) is defined as the electronic movement of health-related information among health care organizations according to nationally recognized standards and conducted in a manner that protects the confidentiality, privacy, and security of the information. HIE may also refer to the electronic infrastructure that enables health care providers to access and share a patient’s medical information electronically to enhance coordination of patient care among providers, improve the quality and efficiency of care that a patient receives, improve patient safety, reduce medical errors and duplicate services. HIE is also useful in enhancing public health and disease detection and monitoring.

  • Who can access my information?

    There is no cost to the patient.

  • Why is the Connected Care Exchange

    An HIE allows two or more health care providers involved in providing care to a patient to quickly, securely, and accurately share information. Because each authorized provider can readily see a patient’s complete electronic health record (EHR), the need for duplicate medical tests is reduced, efficiency is improved, and patients receive higher quality care.
